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what is the adr classification of helium?
- un/id no.: un 1046
- proper shipping name: helium, compressed
- class or division: 2
- tunnel code: (e)
- label(s): 2.2
- adr/rid hazard id no.: 20
- marine pollutant: no
what is the substance identification of helium?
how does helium prevent divers getting the decompression sickness?
when air is breathed under pressure, nitrogen dissolves in the blood. when the pressure is relieved, the nitrogen comes out of the solution as bubbles, which affects the circulatory system, causing caisson disease or "the bends". helium dissolves much less and decompression is quicker.
how much can i lift with helium?
why is helium used for leak detection?
why is helium used for pressurizing and purging?
why is helium used in laboratory analyses?
why is helium used in mri and nmr magnets?
why is helium used in the fiber optic industry?
why is helium used in the glass industry?
why is helium used in welding processes?
where is helium produced today?
helium can only be found in certain natural gas fields around the world. the main sources are found in the us, qatar and algeria. smaller sources also exist in australia, russia and poland.
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